How to Treat Ear Mites in Cats

How to Treat Ear Mites in Cats

May 11, 2022
10 min

Ear mites affect both dogs and cats. However, these mites tend to affect cats more. Cats do not experience ear problems frequently, but the majority of times when they have ear issues, it is more likely to be ear mite infestation.

If left untreated, ear mites can cause severe complications, such as damaged eardrums or infections. Recognizing the symptoms and finding a solution is the best way to save your furry friend from this horror.

What Are Ear Mites?

Ear mites, also known as otodectes cynotis, are the most common mites causing trouble for cats. These parasites live in the ear canal. They are also found on the skin’s surface sometimes.

Otodectes cynotis mites often cause a condition known as otodectic mange. These mites cannot fly or hop, but they can crawl. They do not pose life-threatening situations but can irritate your cat. They are also contagious to other pets.

When these mites find their way to a cat’s ear, they make themselves at home and start breeding. Ear mites love the warm, moist skin of a furry’s ear canal, so they live most of their life cycle and eat skin cells, earwax, and blood.

Symptoms of Ear Mites

Ear mites are too tiny to see with the naked eyes. However, you can easily recognize them via your cat’s appearance and behavior. Here are the most common signs that your cat is ear mite infected:

  • Scratching at Ears: Ear mites are mostly inside the ear, causing discomfort for the cat. If your cat aggressively and constantly scratches or rubs its ears, it might signify an ear mite infection. Other similar symptoms include hair loss or redness around the ears. Mite droppings on the skin or ear can cause an intense itching sensation for cats.
  • Head-Shaking: Constant head shaking is another common sign of this condition. If your cat is vigorously and constantly shaking its head, you should examine them for ear mite infection.
  • Ear Discharge: While ear mites are too small for the eyes to see, they leave small traces to indicate their presence. A crusty or dark waxy substance or discharge in your pet’s ears is a sign of ear mites. The discharge is often a mixture of blood, ear wax, and mites’ secretions, so it looks like coffee grounds.
  • Aggressive Body Scratching: The ear is the base for ear mites. However, these parasites sometimes explore other parts of the body, causing itchiness and irritation of the skin. Skin irritation would only leave your cat scratching profusely.

Reasons to Prevent or Treat Ear Mite Infections

Every pet owner should take ear mite infections seriously. Despite years of study, researchers have not found the specific ways these mites spread.

Even indoor-only cats do suffer from this condition. The sad part is that they are highly contagious. If one cat has it in your house, it will likely spread to other cats and dogs.

Ear mites cause severe itching and scratching in cats. If left untreated, these parasites can cause swelling of the ear canal, bacterial infections, and total or partial deafness.

They also move from the ears to other parts of the body, causing swelling and itching. Ear mites can also cause systemic infections in the body if left untreated. Hence, you need to treat this condition quickly once you notice the signs listed above.

Products to Treat and Prevent Ear Mite Infection

  • Bayer Advocate for Cats: This product is highly effective against roundworms, fleas, heartworm, ear mites, and lungworm. You can use it for cats, dogs, or ferrets. It is a spot-on treatment with many health benefits, including internal and external parasite protection. It is suitable for cats of all life stages.
  • Revolution Plus for Cats: This is one of the most effective parasite protection products on the market today. It protects against ear mites, ticks, fleas, heartworms, hookworms, and roundworms. The product is safe for kittens and cats as young as eight weeks of age. It is easy to use and dries quickly on the skin.
  • Confiance Oticon Ear Drops: This eardrop helps treat infections in and around the ears. It contains antibiotics and an antifungal medication that helps treat and prevent ear mites, Candida Albicans, and other fungal infections.
  • NHV Target Spray Supplement for Pets: This spray supplement helps repel flea and tick. It also prevents and controls external parasites, such as ear mites, causing discomfort and severe health problems for cats and dogs. The product is safe for all pets and highly effective.

Wrapping Up

Ear mites have been a major problem for many cats. These mites are not visible to the naked eyes, so it is difficult to tell when they are there.

However, you can tell if your cat has an ear mite infection if they are shaking their head regularly, scratching aggressively and continuously, or having ear discharge. The products listed above can help treat and prevent ear mite infections.

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