What To Do When Your Dog Has Diarrhea

What To Do When Your Dog Has Diarrhea

Sep 21, 2021
9 min

Why does my dog have diarrhea

There are several reasons why your dog has diarrhea, but the most common reason is the ingestion of unfamiliar food or a change in diet. Sometimes, stress, anxiety, change in the environment can also cause diarrhea.

Severeness of Diarrhea

This is a common issue that occurs regularly for dogs because they will put almost everything in their mouths. Although it can also occasionally be caused by more serious health problems. Some of which require special consideration, particularly if the diarrhea is severe and happens every now and then. The most instance of diarrhea in properly immunized dogs are trivial in terms of health. Although it can be both annoying and complicated, fret not to rush to your veterinarians – just as you would not rush to your physician on the first sign of an upset stomach. However, a few cases can be serious, particularly in dogs which are debilitated by other ailments, old age, or if they are not vaccinated.



Dogs that are generally fit will normally respond to simple measures intended to provide the lining of the intestine with a rest so it can recuperate. Very serious cases will require more drug and maybe even intravenous fluids and hospitalization.


The main point is, if diarrhea continues for more than two or three days, a visit to your vet is recommended. An abruptly-developed diarrhea in a healthy dog may be due to its scavenging behavior – a rapid change in the dog’s diet, bacteria or parasitic infections are common issues caused by scavenging.


Chronic diarrhea can be caused by food allergies or intolerances, stress and some sorts of parasites (such as Giardia, roundworms, hookworms and whipworms). Pancreatic disease, bacterial infections, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, some kinds of cancer, and infections outside of the gastrointestinal tract such as liver failure or heart disease are other possible causes of chronic diarrhea.


What to do if your dog has diarrhea

For minor cases of diarrhea, it normally helps to place your dog on a tasteless diet of white meat, for example white fish, such as herring, tuna, mackerel, salmon etc. Or chicken, with boiled rice. This should be sustained until diarrhea has stopped and the normal diet is introduced gradually for a period of about three days.

Since diarrhea causes the body to lose more fluids, ensure that your dog has continuous access to clean water to prevent dehydration. In a situation where the sickness seems to be associated with feeding a particular food, it is a good idea to discontinue giving your dog such a diet in the future.

What can I give my dog for diarrhea

You can purchase a number of very useful over-the-counter treatments for dogs with diarrhea. There are various products to help soothe the gut lining and assimilate toxins, as well as supplements to help restore salts and electrolytes that might have been lost. Pre-biotics and probiotics help build up a suitable combination of “good bugs” in the gut.


With respect to worming, dogs over six months of age should be wormed four times each year to guarantee they are effectively free of worms, while puppies should be wormed at least once a month. While your dog has diarrhea, you should avoid his normal exercise routine until he recovers – just like us, your dog is probably not up for an exercise while feeling unwell. Remember to maintain high levels of personal hygiene to protect you and family member as bacteria such as E. coli can infect humans.


Should I exercise or walk my dog when he has diarrhea

If your dog is up for it and feels well enough, it is fine to bring your dog out for a walk. However, be sure to keep your dog on close watch and prevent any licking or ingesting foreign objects on the floor as this may worsen the situation.


When to take your dog to the vet?

1. If vomiting follows after the first few bouts of diarrhea

2. If your dog stops eating or drinking. Dehydration can occur very quickly when diarrhea happens. Signs of dehydration are when the eyes sink into their sockets, the skin is less moveable and the mouth becomes dry.

3. If your dog is not up-to-date with its vaccinations -this may put it at risk of more severe viruses such as parvo virus.

Here are some products we recommend to help your dog feel better!