The Meaning Of Different Coloured Dog Poop

The Meaning Of Different Coloured Dog Poop

Sep 21, 2021
9 min

Our furry friends depend on us for their care. Since they cannot talk, we invest a lot of time trying to explain different indication of their health. How is his appetite? How is he behaving? We conduct tests, we evaluated blood samples and also check their poop.

This gives us a tremendous amount of evidence to their digestive system and general health. Poop contains a wealth of information about important microbes inhabiting their gut. The colour of your dog‘s poop has a lot to do with what they eat too. This is one of the reasons VET always asked, “Did you bring a specimen?” If you walk into the back area of? Any clinic, you will see a carefully arranged stool samples waiting to be assessed. It’s as much a part of puppy’s standard exam such as having your blood pressure taken by your own specialist.

Chocolatey Brown

Under normal circumstances, dog poop color is usually chocolate brown colour, during normal digestion, gallbladder bile releases help to distribute food. Bilirubin is a pigment in the bile that influences the Bilirubin is a pigment in the bile -digestive fluid that’s produced in the liver- that influences the colour of the poop. The poops can have some minor colour deviations because of diet, dyes in his food, or hydration, but should not have a lot of changes.

Variation of Breed

Although, the normal dog poop varies from dog to dog, breed to breed and can change according to the type of dog food being eaten. In general, the colour should be medium brown and not very soft and liquid (diarrhea) or too difficult to pass easily (constipation). Pay attention to the dog’s “healthy” poops (colour, frequency, and consistency) so you can recognize when there is an issue.


There are stool color charts available however, this are some of the abnormal colour patterns areas listed:

Dark Dog poop or Black Dog poop

A black stool in dogs can have a “sticky” or “tarry” consistency, which might be an indication of a stomach ulcer or a gastrointestinal ulcer. Numerous human medicines can cause stomach ulcers in dogs, particularly aspirin. Never give your dog human medicines without consulting your veterinarian.

Red Dog Poop or Streaks of Blood in the Stool

Red dog poop or pooping blood out is worrying. This may indicate seeping in the gastrointestinal tract. The streaks of blood in the puppy’s poop can be colitis (irritation of the colon), an anal gland infection, rectal injury or possibly a tumor.

Purple or Pink Dog Poop

Anything resembling raspberry jam can be a sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE). A large number of dogs die every year from HGE, yet most will recover with prompt treatment. Seek emergency medical attention!

Greasy or Grey-looking Poop

Doggy poop that seems greasy, glistens or turns out in vast, soft amounts may indicate exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). Known as Maldigestion, EPI is the disease that makes the pancreas unable to produce enzymes necessary for digestion of fat. EPI is treatable, so consult your veterinarian.

Green Dog poop

Green poop can be normal if your dog eats a lot of grass. Be that as it may, it can likewise be a parasite, rat bait poisoning or other internal problems. If your dog has a green poop, consult your veterinarian to be safe.

Orange Dog poop

This could indicate a liver problem or biliary disease, or it could simply imply that your dog’s food is moving too fast through the GI tract to pick up the bile. Bile is what changes the poop to a normal brown colour we anticipate. If your dog has orange diarrhea, contact your veterinarian!

Yellow Dog Poop

Some may wonder why their dog’s poop is yellow and runny. Yellow poop generally shows food intolerance, particularly if you have recently changed your dog’s diet. Check out what your dogs have been eating and try to exclude any new ingredient that may cause stomach upset and mustard yellow dog poop. They may be allergic to something so try out grain-free foods that can are good for dogs with allergies.

White Specks

Finding white poop or white specks in poop may be an indication of a worm. Worms regularly look like white grains of rice in a puppy’s stool. This is treatable, so see your veterinarian.

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