Should my pet eat red or white meat?

Should my pet eat red or white meat?

Feb 1, 2022
5 min

First of all, we need to determine which meat falls into the category of red or white meat. Food scientists may categorize individual muscles groups as “red” or “white” based on their myoglobin concentration, lipid profile, mitochondrial densities, and muscle fiber physiology. [1]

Myoglobin concentration seems to be the most common factor. Myoglobin is the heme, or iron-containing, protein that facilitates the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between muscle cells and the bloodstream. These muscles are used frequently as “red meat”. [2]

White meat such as chicken also contains myoglobin, but in much lesser quantity than red meat.

The nutrition profile of considered “red meat” vs “white meat”

Sample: 100g

Nutrient data provided by USDA. 2017


Which meat is healthier?

Red meat contains a good amount of important nutrients. Red meats are higher in saturated and monounsaturated fats, zinc, B vitamins, and iron. While white meat is higher in polyunsaturated fats and omerga-6 fatty acids.  Both categories are relatively nutrient-dense, a good source of protein and minerals.


Which meat to feed my pet?

It depends on the nutrient needs of your pet.  If your pet is suffering from iron deficiency anemia red meat could be the most significant dietary source of iron. If your pet requires a high protein diet, leaner cuts of white meat are among the highest dietary sources of protein.


Alternating “red meat” and “white meat”

Alternating red meat and white meat can provide balanced nutrients and minerals as each meat has a different nutrient profile. This shouldn’t be a problem as long as your pet does not have any allergies or sensitivity to certain meat. Can also provide a good variety for your pets, each meal is going to have a different taste and texture.

Keep in mind when choosing a certain diet for our pets it should be fresh, prepared properly, and complete.


  1.   Red and white meats terms that lead to confusion. T. Keeton and M. Dikeman. September 2017

2.   Fed to Thrive. https://www.fedtothrive.co/red-vs-white-meat/

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