How To Get Rid Of My Pet’s Urine Smells And Stains

How To Get Rid Of My Pet’s Urine Smells And Stains

Jun 23, 2022
14 min

It’s all fun until your pet pees on your hardwood floor, carpet, or anywhere else in the house. Pee happens regardless of how well your dog is potty trained. Urine smell isn’t pleasant and requires a prompt reaction to make sure it doesn’t leave a lasting impression.

Urine stains are common problems associated with keeping dogs, especially with puppies and dogs that are being housetrained! Though it could be an issue for cats, it is rare. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to get rid of smell and stains.

Some stains may be difficult to remove while others could be difficult to find. This is why pet parents need to have the best carpet cleaners and urine stain detectors to determine which areas require cleaning.

Let’s find out how you can deal with your pet’s urine smells and stains!

1. Off Your Couch

You need to act quickly if your pet just peed on the microfiber couch, carpet, or any other fabric in the house. The longer your pet pee sits there, the worse it’s going to smell. Use paper towels or wet rags to soak up the urine. You may place the towel over the wet spot or under it, if possible, to absorb much urine.

Leave the paper towel for around 15 minutes until most of the urine is soaked up. Remove the paper and rinse the spot using clean water. You can use a towel to blot up all the water, but if you have a wet vaccuum, the better.

The next step is to remove the smell now that most of the liquid has been blotted up. There are two methods you can apply to get rid of the odor: you can either use baking soda or vinegar. Spread about ¼ a cup or less of baking soda on the spot. Leave overnight then vacuum up all the powder the following day until the area feels completely clean and fresh.

If you’re using vinegar, mix a cup of distilled vinegar with 2 teaspoons of baking soda and a cup of water in a clean spray bottle. Mix the ingredients by shaking the spray bottle thoroughly then spray on the damp spot. Allow it to soak for a few minutes then blot with clean towels.

2. Off Your Carpet

There are several methods you can use to remove dried stains and smell from carpet though it’s not easy. Try wetting and blotting the stain repeatedly using warm water and towels. You can use a wet-dry vacuum cleaner if you have one to saturate and vacuum the area until it’s clean.

Use an enzymatic cleaner to neutralize the smell. It not only gets rid of the smell but also discourages your furry friend from repeating the same action in that spot. Make sure you choose an enzyme-based cleanser made specifically for pet stains.

Products containing accelerated hydrogen peroxide also help remove  urine smell from household items. Soak a towel with a hydrogen-based cleaner then place it on the stain for about 15 minutes.

3. From Hardwood

You need to act fast if you notice a new urine stain on the hardwood. Place a dishtowel or some paper towels on the stain. Press the towel on the puddle to speed up the rate of absorption. Continue using different towels until a towel comes up dry.

Urine tends to saturate the wood, which is why it can be difficult to remove odor from hardwood. Use the same process as the one used in carpets. You may use vinegar or baking soda. Rub the solution of vinegar and water on the stain and leave it for around 5 to 10 minutes before wiping it using a clean, dry towel.

You may also sprinkle some baking powder on the stain when it’s still damp and allow it to sit overnight. Vacuum it up with a brush the following day or you may use a towel to clean the area.

Use an enzyme-based stain remover as a final step. Make sure you’re using a product that’s safe for hardwood floors. Test it in a small area if you’re not sure. Clean the floor with whatever you normally use once the urine and its odor are completely removed.

4. From Pillows, Sheets, Beds, Rugs, and Other Fabric

Soak the item in a solution containing an enzymatic cleaner and a laundry detergent. It’s even better if the soiled item can be put into the washing machine. Only make sure you use a neutralizer to remove urine stains and ammonia smell.

Consult with a professional dry-cleaning company if you still see stains along with urine smell.

Products and Tool Recommendations

It’s easier to remove urine stains and smells with the right tools. Here are some of the products you should consider using if you want to keep your house fresh and clean from urine stains and odors.

  • Vinegar: It’s one of the most useful household cleaning agents, precisely because of the acid that breaks down any form of stain quickly.
  • Baking soda: It’s a good cleaning agent because it’s a mild alkali that causes any form of stain to dissolve easily in water for effective removal.
  • Dish Sponge: A dish sponge, sea sponge, or an old rag works the same. They help loosen the grip of stains on any household item.
  • Toothbrush: It’s more efficient and economical to use a soft-bristled brush like a toothbrush to remove stains in a small area.
  • Altimate Pet Potty Pad Antibacterial Odour Control: It’s a good alternative if you prefer ready-made cleaners. It’s 100% leakproof and highly absorbent. It’s infused with a fresh scent for enhanced odor control.
  • Simple Solution Urine Destroyer Stain & Odor Remover for Dogs & Cats: It’s a perfect neutralizer for the hardest urine stains and odors. It contains Pro-BacteriaTM and enzymes that target and break down pet urine proteins. It’s safe to use a urine destroyer on any kind of surface that is water-safe.
  • OUT! Stain & Odor Remover for Dogs & Cats: It completely eliminates organic stains and odors. Aside from preventing repeat marking, this product is designed for everyday pet messes, vomit, urine, feces, and more.
  • Thornell Dog-Odor Off: It’s specifically formulated to eliminate serious dog odors from feces, urine, and more, including long-standing smells and odors. It works well where enzyme-based products won’t.


It’s more difficult to remove urine stains and smell the longer it stays in the household item. Your best course of action is to always act fast regardless of what your pet has peed on. You are more likely to remove all the stains and odor if you get to it sooner. Your pet may also decide it has found a new favorite place to pee if you don’t deal with it fast. Along with many homemade solutions like vinegar and baking soda, several excellent store-bought products can help you figure out how to remove the stains and smell. But still, you must immediately disinfect and deodorize the area for the best results.

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