Cat Vomiting: Should You Be Worried?

Cat Vomiting: Should You Be Worried?

Sep 14, 2021
6 min

Cat vomiting may be a perfectly normal occurrence from time to time.

According to WebMD, a cat usually vomits because she ate something disagreeable, ate too much or played too soon after a meal. However, you need to be aware that cat vomiting can also be a sign of a serious health problem.


Causes Of Cat Vomiting

There are common causes of cat vomiting which are non-related to actual cat health problems. They can vomit for a number of harmless reasons!

1. Hairballs

Known as trichobezoars, they are caused by a concentration of fur in your cat’s stomach. This is usually nothing to worry about. However, it is better to prevent hairballs from forming as they may cause intestinal blockage.

Cats normally manage to get rid of the hairball themselves – by coughing up hairballs. Alternatively, you can buy products which can help the process along. Meanwhile, pet owners are encouraged to brush their cats regularly, especially if their cats have a long coat.


2. Diet:

Note that a rapid change in your cat’s diet can lead to vomiting problems. For example, if your car is recently switching from dry-food-only diet to wet food, this could cause her to vomit.

This is because something in the new cat food could irritate her stomach. You can try switching back her old food to see if the vomiting stops.


3. Ingesting non-food items/ GI obstructions:

Being curious creatures, cats love to play and chew on everything they can find on the ground. When a cat consumes any indigestible substance such as paper or part of a toy, her body rejects the material and it is often vomited up in the form of bile.

These objects can become lodged in her throat and she will try to get rid of it by vomiting. If the indigestible object is unable to be vomited up and your cat is vomiting continuously, bring her to the vet imemdiately.


4. Eat too much or eat too quickly:

A cat who eats too quickly or swallow their foods without chewing enough may end up puking. Your cat is regurgitating due to having swallowed their food too fast.

Meanwhile, some causes of chronic vomiting include Gastritis, Pancreatitis, heartworm infection, kidney failure, liver failure, toxicity gastric or intestinal tumours.


When Is It Time To Visit The Vet

What changes should you look out for? If your cat displays any of these symptoms, take her to the vet as soon as possible:

1. Vomiting is continuous

2. Weight loss

3. Change in appetite

4. Change in drinking pattern

5. Change in toilet pattern (eg. diarrhoea or increased frequency of urinating)

6. Worms or blood in the vomit

7. Weakness/lethargy

8. Any other signs of ill health or change in behaviour

9. Any changes in grooming

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