Beginner’s Guide to Flea & Tick Spot-Ons

Beginner’s Guide to Flea & Tick Spot-Ons

Feb 18, 2022
9 min

One of the challenges that dogs experience is when they are being infested with parasites.  The four common types of parasites that affect pets include fleas, ticks, worms, and mites. Undoubtedly, each of these parasites can pose extreme harm to the fur of your pet – you may want to watch out and see your pet itching and scratching beyond distraction.

Is there any solution to this challenge?

There are steps you can take to help your pet get out of the situation. One of the effective ways is through spot-on flea and tick treatment for pets.

Spot-on flea and tick treatment for pets are usually packaged in individual vials. Applied on the back of your pets, between their shoulder blades, it works effectively by killing adult fleas rapidly before laying eggs.

This form of treatment comes with products made as liquids.  Pet owners will squeeze these liquids on their pet’s skin, especially between the shoulder blades or down the back. Spot-on flea and tick for pets are safe; however, they may come with some risks and serious side effects if not used correctly.

Take a look at the Bravecto Spot-On Treatment for Dogs with different volumes for a wide range of weights (2kg – 56kg)! Another spot-on treament available is the Frontline Plus for small dogs, medium dogs, large dogs and extra large dogs.

How to Use

The following are ways to apply the spot-on treatment on your pet easily:

  1. Ensure your pet is at ease during the application
  2. Apply spot-on treatment directly to the skin of the pet at the nape of the neck. To avoid irritation, you can use several spots along the back of bigger pets ( they require a larger dose size). You should adhere to the directions that come with the medicine and ensure you contact your vet if you need any assistance.
  3. For maximum effectiveness, the medicine may take time to get absorbed into the pet’s skin. So, you may need to exercise patience to have maximum absorption. Besides, a calm demeanor must be maintained– pets are usually sensitive to your anxieties.
  4. Ensure you keep treated pets apart (for about 24 hours) during 5he absorption process if you have other pets of different species or sizes.
  5. Thorough monitoring of the pets is advised. You should keep them from rolling on valuable items. This may be due to how they feel the presence of the medicine and decide to rub it off. Therefore, monitor them to avoid damage of property or diminished doses right after application.

Bathing Time

Spot-on flea and tick treatment for pets can take about a day to dry. So, bathing your pet within this time can lessen its effectiveness. Most spot-on medicines for pets are waterproof, which makes bathing them after 48 hours to be fine. However,  under this time limit, the medicine can be washed off.

Things to take note of

  • When considering the use of spot-on flea and tick treatment for your pet, ensure you read the product label carefully and follow the instructions closely during application.
  • Consult your veterinarian before choosing a product for the treatment of kittens and puppies, pregnant pets, weak pets, and pets who already have flea and tick or internal parasites.

Common Ingredients

Below are the common active ingredients in spot-on for pets and what they do:

  • Selamectin: This is an avermectin antiparasitic that works effectively for the treatment of parasites in cats and dogs. For cats, selamectin can treat parasites such as fleas, ear mites, heartworms, roundworms, and hookworms. For dogs, selamectin can treat certain ticks,  fleas, scabies,  ear mites, and heartworms.
  • Sarolaner: This helps treat and control tick and flea infestations in pets. It is usually distributed throughout the body of the pets, and when ticks or fleas bite the pet, they are exposed to the ingredient, leading to their death.
  • Fipronil: This is a broad-spectrum insecticide and the main ingredient in spot-on treatments that help kill live fleas quickly. Fipronil is expected to be used regularly to keep fleas at bay. It’s an ingredient perfect that can treat and control infestations.

 Complementary Products

The following are complementary Products that could help part hair or remove existing flea and ticks on your pet:

  1. Marukan Soft Grip Comb for Pets: With a 0.55m gap and anti static properties, the Murakan Comb can easily comb out fleas, flea poop and ticks.
  2. Trixie Flea and Dust Comb for Dogs 21cm: This comb is great for the discovery of fleas and lice.